Getting Here

There are a number of ways of getting to Gili Air. Let us know if you need any help.

Fast Boat

Several boats arrive daily, directly from Bali to Gili Air. The boat ticket includes hotel pick-up from Kuta, Seminyak or Amed. Estimated travelling time from the hotel is 4-5 hours including the 1,5-2 hours boat ride. Open return tickets are available in Bali and on Gili Air. The price for a ticket is Rp.350 000-Rp.700 000, depending on the season. Check meteorological conditions. If the sea is rough it’s sometimes better to fly to Lombok and then take the 20 min boat ride across.


It is possible to fly from a number of different places in Indonesia and the surrounding countries directly to Lombok International Airport. The price may vary, but the 25 minute flight from Bali to Lombok costs between Rp.280 000 – Rp.450 000.

The hotel is located in the center of Gili Air, just 600m from the beach, and 15min from where the boats arrive. This location has been chosen for its tranquillity. The hotel, build in the middle of a coconut gardens. Slow doesn’t have its own restaurant, but offers a system of home cooking, with local cooks, particularly appreciated by our clientele. A cuisine full of flavours, prepared exclusively with local products. All meals during our Slow Retreats will be catered at Slow Villas by Pachamama organic café. The restaurants of the island are just 7 minutes from the hotel, by bike or by local horse cart; along the beach our partners have beach chairs to relax in.


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